Blog Archives

Surprise, Peacocks, and Magnolia Plantation on the Ashley

Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise. – Alice Walker The Magnolia Plantation on the Ashley River is doing some brave new work, and is lucky to have D.J. Tucker, an enthusiastic human being if I have ever met one. He

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Posted in architecture, art, Arts & Culture, beauty, Charleston South Carolina, creativity, Gullah, religion, spirituality, Writing

On the first anniversary of this blog

What was told, that What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me here in my chest. What was told the cypress that made it strong and straight, what was whispered the jasmine so it

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Posted in art, beauty, creativity, Poetry, religion, Writing

Art: A Landscape of Pleasure

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust At this moment I am pleasurably enveloped in an ivory colored satin quilt in my own room with a view, at

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Posted in art, Arts & Culture, creativity, Food, travel, Writing

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What’s this?

Welcome to my blog about the Lowcountry of South Carolina, a place proud with beauty, history and art. Sometimes we feel a call, to be, to go, to do. I was called to be an artist, and as an old midwife from Alabama said, “If the good Lord wants you to do something, you won’t have no good luck until you do it.”

So here I am writing about what I know, about the 'under glimmer' as the poet Basho, says, the way I have learned to see, to notice. I am inspired by, and talking about the history and art and culture of this place that has called me to herself. By the ancestors.

My background includes a degree in fine arts from a small private college in Florida, and before that, four years of all girls' boarding school in Asheville. I worked as a professional photographer, helped my children grow up, and now and I love seasoned things, good food, better conversation, beauty, my beloved and beautiful Italian Greyhound, Beau. Moved by the sacred places and stories of this beautiful historic land called the Lowcountry, I am here in spirit and I hope to infect you with my love of this place.
