The Blessing

Leaping Greenly of Treesi thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings;and of the gay
great happening ilimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any – lifted from the no
of all nothing – human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

thank you e.e.cummings.

8 comments on “The Blessing
  1. love this. especially the freckled part.


  2. Mark Taylor says:

    Hey from your cousin Mark in Atlanta. It’s been ages since I emailed you and I just stumbled on your blog today. I love it! Edisto is my soul’s home. We went there every summer when I was a child and it still has the fondest of memories for me. We rented a small cottage next to the Ocean Villa—-it’s long gone and a huge house has taken it’s modest place. Such good memories. I love the low country. I’m splitting my time between Atlanta and Savannah these days. Weeks in Savannah and weekends in atlanta. Great to have found you again. I hope one day we get to meet!


    • Dear Mark,
      What a delight to find your visit here! Oh, my goodness, we must meet soon. I will be in Decatur before too long. I did not remember that you also had an Edisto connection – too wonderful, but not a surprise. I will never forget your sending me the picture of the tombstone of Charlotte Hay, which is a photo I treasure. Oh yippee. Thank you for finding me and writing. (keep reading!)
      Cousin Charlotte


  3. garry says:

    Hi Charlotte, a quick visit from an old friend. Nice to find your work. Your 12 Days of Christmas paintings are poignant, inspirational and stirring. I can smell the salt brine and the Old Mans Beard in your swirls of colour and light. Celebrate the light girl, you can certainly capture it. Peace, love and good health to all of your family and maybe throw a little joy into there too. Garry


  4. Paulette says:

    Thank you for posting this poem which I learned as a kid but only remembered the first line. This is an adorable blog that I found while pursuing some lines I recently heard – something about “if you stand next to a forest, the nearest trees will give you oxygen…”

    Liked by 1 person

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What’s this?

Welcome to my blog about the Lowcountry of South Carolina, a place proud with beauty, history and art. Sometimes we feel a call, to be, to go, to do. I was called to be an artist, and as an old midwife from Alabama said, “If the good Lord wants you to do something, you won’t have no good luck until you do it.”

So here I am writing about what I know, about the 'under glimmer' as the poet Basho, says, the way I have learned to see, to notice. I am inspired by, and talking about the history and art and culture of this place that has called me to herself. By the ancestors.

My background includes a degree in fine arts from a small private college in Florida, and before that, four years of all girls' boarding school in Asheville. I worked as a professional photographer, helped my children grow up, and now and I love seasoned things, good food, better conversation, beauty, my beloved and beautiful Italian Greyhound, Beau. Moved by the sacred places and stories of this beautiful historic land called the Lowcountry, I am here in spirit and I hope to infect you with my love of this place.
